07 December, 2007

Mormonism—Romney, “You-Go-Girl”—Clinton and Presidential Politics

Romney will not get my vote. In spite of Romney’s business success, his pretty family and his well fitting hair, my ballot will not go to Mitt. Is it solely that he is a Mormon for me? No, it isn’t. When I see him, I feel as though he lacks substance. I am sure he is intelligent; however, his intelligence is muted by the disingenuous commercials with his family-side chats, and their commune-like decision about him running for President. For one, it cannot look more staged and gross. Two, they look too plastic for me to gain a sense of substance or sincerity. Romney’s family in the commercial look as though they made sure their make-up was just right prior to it.

Beyond that, yes, I have a problem with his Mormonism. I have to admit, I don’t get the religion, nor do I have an interest in being converted. One of the major tenants of Mormonism is to convert, which for me says, Romney cannot detach himself from his religion or its influences and be President. All of this is in spite of what he says about his faith’s affect on him potentially being the President. Romney saying all of that before a crowd at the George H.W. Bush Library, in front of the Seal of the President, seems all too well crafted and staged.

As for Hillary, from the other side of the spectrum, she won’t get it either, but for the same reason: disingenuousness. Hillary repeatedly looks like someone uncomfortably trying to fit into a comfy-casual politician model her handlers and Bill try to encase her. First, just bringing back the phrase, “You Go Girl” is reason enough for me to hate her; beyond that though are her and her staffers attacks on Obama. They have had nothing of substance; however, they pushed out that ‘at five he wanted to be President, so he has always wanted that.’ I don’t know that I have ever seen a group of people be more absurd. It’s not Hillary from a policy perspective, but it is her personally; I will never be able to like her.

For me, Hillary is a one-way ticket for Romney, Huckabee, or Giuliani to win President. I say that, because I feel like deep down the majority of Americans sense Hillary lacking any sincere conviction, e.g. her vote on Iraq. I could go off on this vote indefinitely, but, in short, I’ll simply state that I think she voted for that authorization, because she didn’t want to look weak on Defense strategically. One can extrapolate a million other decisions she has made from that, but I just can’t buy into her.

There it is, I don’t like either Romney or Clinton, not because of their policy stances, and so as much as I feel like they are both overly groomed and too disingenuous to be a good President. It’s just not cricket. When Obama wins Iowa, and subsequently wins New Hampshire, he’ll be both the nominee and our first African-American President.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

FINALLY! Some politics!

Dick Morris had a brilliant analysis of Romney's speech. Morris began by saying that Romney's biggest problem isn't that he's a Mormon, but that he's a flip-flopper. So the Mormon speech was more about shifting the conversation / press coverage from an issue he can't win (flip-flopping) to one that he can (Mormonism). God I love Morris. Even if he's wrong, he feels so right.

As for Hillary, I too don't even know where to begin. Rightly-deserved or not, I do think she's too polarizing. She likes to say that she'll be ready on Day One. Maybe, maybe not. What I do know is that on that same Day, FoxNews will go into such a frenzied hyper-attack mode that it (Fox) will essentially become a caricature of what it is now. Now, I know FoxNews is a joke to a lot of people, but unfortunately half the country thinks Sean Hannity is Walter Cronkite. I can't handle 4 more years of that - not from Day One.