28 April, 2008

Crombie Dudes

Okay, I was wrong. Said Abercrombie trio were all having issues hear, and one works for Abercrombie. It would be easier to delete than write this, but I'll concede, my initial conclusions were incorrect. If one goes to cnn.com http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/politics/2008/04/25/intv.tshirt.guys.cnn they will see what it was.

23 April, 2008

Product Placement

While I have not spent money at Abercrombie and Fitch for roughly ten years, I will continue to not do so, when I prevent my future children from being into it. Abercrombie planted three young men in obnoxious shirts behind Obama during his speech in Indiana last night. These three morons stood not far behind him, most likely out of being paid by Abercrombie to get there early and purposely stand behind him. Did anyone see this?

Here’s the deal Abercrombie, if you are going to plant folks at Rush Limbaugh’s campaign rally, make it look more genuine. That idiot with the buzz-cut head couldn’t have appeared more apathetic, almost as though he was just there to punch a timecard. I appreciate Abercrombie working to stay with the young, but our young voters have more sense than this. Quite simply, with the shear amount of irony and conspiracy that pervade popular culture today, the owners on the PR-side for Abercrombie mistook putting these three idiots behind Obama as something no one would catch. Keith Oberman called it immediately after as well, which was pretty hilarious. In short, Abercrombie, if you are going to do that in the future, please be more competent.

Apparently, I am not the only one that caught this!


22 April, 2008

A Few Things

Apologies, if you come here often, for which I am most flattered; odds are good it’s probably been more than a while since you have seen a new post. I am delinquent as one could be for this. As far as things stand, let’s see, the quick and dirty on Matty:

1. Work is going well, and I am comfortably busy. I am quite happy for that.

2. As far as running is concerned, I ran “The Race to Robie Creek” this last weekend, on 19-April. I earned a respectable time, but like everyone ever racing, not nearly as fast as I was hoping. 2:20 for a half-marathon with more than 3000 ft in elevation change, two-thirds of which were uphill. I am registered for the Salmon Marathon on 13-September.

3. Romantic life, that’s pretty much non-existent at the moment, and I am comfortable with that. Most dates I have been on thus far have run contrary to my inter-personal experiences preceding Boise. Everyone has been very nice and lovely; however, they have all been exceptions rather than classical dates.

4. Boise—I love this city, but the challenge is the cultural difference. Get this; I am from “Back East,” right? I know… I used the word “lackadaisical” in conversation on Saturday, and a cuter girl that was sitting among friends and me, she said, “What does that word mean?” Apparently my word choice can be perceived as haute, arrogant, or ostentatious. This is something I am sure none of you have ever thought, no? :D

5. As for the campaign, let’s see here, what is up with Hillary continuing down this direction of “potentially having pledged delegates change their minds,” is she kidding me? Both she and her husband have disgraced his legacy with their continued fight for this nomination. Hearing Terry McAuliffe on MSNBC this morning made me loathe for much of the DNC establishment. Hearing Hillary or her supporters continue to speak on how she might be able to pull this off is almost as abrasive as continuing to receive emails from friends and loved ones about “how great conservatism is.”

6. To all those who call themselves “conservative,” please know this, every position one claims to hold, “being for small government,” “being for individual liberty,” “being against poor fiscal judgment,” “being for strong national defense,” we are in the worst shape we have ever been in for all those tenets! “Conservative,” is a word the Republican Party incorporated, and has lost completely with George Bush’s Presidency and the congress preceding this one.

What’s amazing as the “movement” has worked people into the idea they are being rebellious by “standing up for something this country stands on,” in contrast to some of the off-shooting counter-culture from the 1960’s. That was why we elected a whiney rich kid, who has compromised this country more than any president prior. This year, we hear the “movement” beckoning Ronald Reagan’s memory, mostly because he is the only recent Republican, not alive to be called to defend himself and not Nixon. Let’s be realistic. McCain wants to continue this War in Iraq, and is maintaining the same irresponsible fiscal policy, putting our economy, our schools and our standing in the world at risk.

Whatever happened to “Fiscal Conservatism?” One doesn’t hear about that any more.

18 April, 2008

Have We Ever Been in a Worse Strategic Position, Wow - the GOP is Awful

Obviously, if you are reading this, odds are you know that I support Obama. I have from the beginning, and I continue to do so. Right now, in thinking of this solely from a Political-Economic perspective, these are components that we seldom see covered in the discussion of this year’s Presidential campaign. Obviously, components relative to Iraq and the Economy are too substantial to appropriately cover in a quick draft, but if reduced down to some smaller parcels, we can work our way into some conclusions.

From an Iraq-perspective, we fostered this war predicated on the idea that Sadaam was working to develop weapons of mass destruction, was supporting terrorists, and may have had something to do with 9-11. We took a position with the UN, where we made our case; we proceeded near-unilaterally into this preemptive war against the will of the world community; found no WMDs; we now occupy a war-torn country with internal strife and civil war.

One could construct the path to 9-11, from direct involvement in the Gulf States:
1. Residual occupation of Saudi Arabia following Desert Storm

2. Continued support of totalitarian governments, giving rise and fomenting terrorist activity

3. Continued presence in the Gulf States, due to demand for petroleum
o Demand for petroleum, due to over-subsidization fostering excessive demand for petroleum

4. Action taken against the US in 9-11, undoubtedly horrible
o Action taken in Afghanistan with the support of the world community

5. Not completing work in Afghanistan capturing or killing Bin Laden

6. Progressing into Iraq
o Iraq under false pretenses
o Continued demand for petroleum
o Continued occupation, due to the “break it, you buy it.”
o US strategy in occupying Iraq elongates time in Iraq
o Guantanamo Abu Gharib

7. During a war, we cut taxes for the wealthiest Americans, and expanded our national debt, thereby weakening the dollar

8. Dollar is weak against foreign currencies; commodities (including oil) are now at an all time high; we are maintaining a presence in a country in which we are further fomenting hate for America (see points 1-3)

I know W went to B-School, but seriously, from a strategy-perspective, this will be taught for the next few millennia in Strategy classes as an example of what bad strategy can do. The work we have done with this administration is absurdly compromising our world position.

We need a back-out plan, and McCain isn’t proposing anything contrary to the positions of the Bush Administration, for no good reason. His position on taxes, keeping them status quo is absurd.
During past wars, e.g. WWII, we had War Bonds. For the Iraq War, as Americans, we’ve been encouraged to go out and spend. The average household has immense debt, and we are suffering a massive housing crisis. With all of that, there has been no communication for us to constrain our spending. Rather, many were sent a check from the Government, spending money it’s no taking in through appropriate taxation...

Why would one vote for the party that delivered us the worst Political-Economic position in maybe our history? Moreover, why would one vote for someone not offering a reconciliation of these policies against a world in which we’ve compromised our position?

04 April, 2008


Sometimes it can be challenging moving to a new city by oneself. I signed up for it, and I have few regrets. Of course, were it not for exceptions, there would be no real reason to communicate, so I have this thought on my mind. It’s ever present, largely due to my lifestyle and my days’ events. I have a confession, if you haven’t seen it thus far, from reading this Blog; I am a bit of a news junkie.

Being a news junkie, and having that combined with an election year as absurdly long as this one seems, only adds to the frequency of my MSNBC/CNN viewing. In watching MSNBC I have my favorites, e.g. Keith Oberman, but the challenge with MSNBC is NBC’s absurd production of shows like, “To Catch a Predator” or that show about prisons. That isn’t journalism it is tabloid porn, which is annoying as it stands. For lack of a better way of putting it, it is news production Hack-ism.

Of course, provided the number of Hacks in the Production Offices of NBC, one can only change their channel to, for instance, CNN. CNN isn’t nearly as good of a news source as it once was. CNN is full of jacks as well, most notably this Glen Beck character. Beck is a Wannabe large syndication AM Radio “conservative,” who takes contrarian positions to antagonize positions of conventionally agreed upon change activists. Whatever, Beck’s positions are what one would find tuning into Rush, or someone of the like. Were Beck talented he would be Brooks of the New York Times or Gigot of the Wall Street Journal, alas he isn’t. I could go on and rant about Coulter, but why bother?

Of course, we only have ourselves to blame: Truth in the Market.