17 February, 2008

Alas, Matt is back

For those of you continuing to check to see if there has been an update, first, a big hearty "Thank You!" Apologies for not posting more frequently these past weeks.
I attribute it to my lifestyle here in Idaho, which is the whole reason I moved to Boise. I am a fairly routine individaul. If one were a spy or assasin, my movements would be easy to pin down.
Here are the "quick and dirty" bullets of Matt's week. I'll summarize it by the number of hours I spend working tasks:

-Work ~45hrs
-Sleep ~56hrs
-Run ~8hrs
-Dine (three a day) ~14hrs
-ski ~6-7hrs

With all the skiing I have been doing, I've not had a lot of downtime here in Boise. Therefore, I've not been able to keep this up. Apologies, but hey - when/if Hillary drops out (fingers-crossed), I could see coming back with fury!

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