18 November, 2007

First Blog is First

It is ironic, sitting down to type one’s first blog on something as catholic as a move and company change, alas a beloved English teacher, Dr. Watkins, once instructed me, “The best way to cure writer’s bloc, is to simply start typing.” I am convinced, so that is what I am doing, and it is my expectation form and substance will follow.

That is to say, if you have not read a blog from Matt in a long time it’s not because you’ve not checked old forums. I simply have not written a blog, or posted anything substantive in a great while. It has been too long since I have, and as such, I think it is time for me to start writing.

As you probably know, if you have received or come to this link, I am making a move to Boise, ID here in the States. I have been eager to move out West for some time, and Boise has sat firmly at the top of my list of preferences. If you have never been to Boise, it is a lovely city, much smaller than Chicago, nestled in the Southwestern corner of Idaho. The climate is absurdly temperate, and the people of Boise are exceptionally kind and down-to-Earth. It’s hard to summarize it any further than that.

I suspect as you continue to come to this website, over the coming months you will see a more substantial reckoning; however, for the time being, I can only speak for the five days I have been in Boise, three of those being for my interview.

I have much intrigue in the changes I am to expect, both from cultural and quality of life perspectives. I suspect I will greatly enjoy attitudes that are less intense than those one might find in Chicago, but part of me also wonders about the times when I will want more intensity, when I am frustrated by the lack of progress on something professional or otherwise.

Alas, that is why one simply sits down to start writing, the form and substance will come, and that is my expectation with life as well. There are numerous clichés or allusions I won’t bore you with that say this more immediately, but I like the analogy back to Ole’ Dr. Watkins, “just start writing,” methodology, one just has to start making a desire change. With making a change, I have most certainly made the effort to complete this as prudently and as well planned as possible, but that is not to say there aren’t anxieties or things left undone that are more continuous doing so.

If my writing as kept you along to this point, now I suppose I should explain the title of the blog “Escaping the Iteration of the Pastiche.” I used “Iterations of the Pastiche in a conversation last night, and on its own, I realize the two words together “Iteration” and “Pastiche” are largely redundant. Quite simply, in the conversation from where this phrase came, what I was referring to were the iterative observations of the same thing repeatedly pertaining to “Sushi dates on Friday,” “Big Ten Male Alumni drinking macro-brew beer during NCAA Football Saturdays in Lincoln Park,” “keeping up with the Jones’s in condo purchases in fashionable younger Chicago neighborhoods,” or the “Rock Her World” advertisements for engagement rings and the truth in the market they convey.

Videlicet, this is my Blog and here I am. This is not meant for anything other than keeping up with my friends, and offering the opportunity to see my updates in this move out West. Of course, I always welcome comments or thoughts, and I look forward to the discourse.


Jon said...

Looking forward to a regular sampling of your modernistic literary wanderings, however I wanted to ask if having your own blog isn't in some way a technological iteration of the pastiche? :)


Matty said...

Having my own blog is indeed iterative as you have and probably will see continuous friends continuing onward posting blogs. Is it pastiche? I suppose that is relative, if you have twenty friends writing blogs about topics concerning their moves elsewhere, perhaps it is something over-done. Of course, could it be that your wife has a blog of the same chord? Could be? mmm? mmmm? :)

Unknown said...


Congratulations on your new job and your quest to the west. The development is bittersweet, as it dictates that our relationship will persist more through this blog than it will in person. For that, I'm a bit sad. However, I'm excited for you and what this move will mean.

Therefore, if you need help lifting heavy boxes...ask Zack.

Matty said...

Thanks for your kind words and comments! I am disappointed we'll have trouble meeting up Wednesday night, but we perhaps can meet Thursday night? Something to consider. I would love to see you, Mrs. and Mr Eli Johnston before I head West.

Abbie said...

Good Luck Matty J! I can't wait to hear all about your adventures in Boise. I am sure it will be a wonderful change for you but be sure to know...we will all miss you in Chicago.

Abbie ie

J Tee said...

Matty, congrats on the move and new job. I hope you are trully happy with this new adjustment. It seems like the right move, as much as I know. :) You are trully an awesome dude and inspirational to all that know you. Keep on keeping on. Stay in touch. Peace, Carter and Elise say "Hi."