Sitting in on the roundtable discussion earlier this week, it went like this:

“Jobless claims are at Record Highs for the longest time, and we just had to bail out Fannie and Freddie. Folks, they are going to nail us on the economy. Because we can’t lose our base, those making good money, which hate taxes, we need to figure out a way to change the subject.”
“Well, we could start a ‘whisper’ about him being Muslim.”
“No – that already blew up, and has been effectively dispelled. We need to take umbrage at something new. Come up with something good and I’ll make a call to Limbaugh to have him get the rest of the Right talking about how horrible of a person he is.”
“Well, we now have a woman on the campaign, and being a guy, you know he’ll say something that we can align with Governor Palin.”
“That’s thinking; that’s thinking. What did she say that we can have him attacking her? We need something that is particularly women-oriented. With her being against sex-education, Alaska doing poorly for maternity protection, and her being anti-choice, we need to get something to get the Hillary Gal’s behind her!”
“She did make the lipstick comment.”
“That’s right! If he says anything about lipstick, particularly that ‘Lipstick on a Pig’ euphemism—we go bananas! We’ll then control the news cycle, and from there, we’ll change the subject!”
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