If you have email, and you go to the Internet, undoubtedly, you’ve received email forwards. Beyond that, undoubtedly, you’ve received something akin to: “I love John Adams, and the ghost of John Adams wrote something you can’t argue with. 5 Facts about Obama!
1. He’s a closet alien
2. His father, not from Kenya, is from Mars
3. Obama is one of the Decepticons
4. Obama has been known to say, “ more than meets the eye.”
5. Even though Obama calls Chicago home, he likes Hawaiian food!
The point is, the Right Wing, from Swift Boat Veterans for Truth to the latest and greatest smear-whisper Internet forwards, does nothing but play dirty.
Note: immediately, they will cite Democrats who were in trouble back in the 1980’s, with the House’s post office scandal. Duly noted; however, for ever line item of corruption the Democrats had twenty years ago, Jack Abramoff’s GOP has done just as bad, if not worse. Going beyond that, one doesn’t see too many forwards about Republicans. Why is that? My goodness, could it be that while the Right claims to have moral superiority, they use that to justify shady political tactics? Maybe I’m missing great examples from the other side of things; however, I’d love to hear about them. Because unlike forwards I get about Obama’s middle name being Hussein, etc…, I seldom receive anything short of the facts from Democrats. Whose side do people want to be on, those with honor and dignity or those who play dirty? I am not down with dirty politics; it simply leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Illinois State Beach Bike Ride
5 years ago
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