I’ll not go back over all of the outstanding components from yesterday. Rather than do that I’ll simply say, let’s keep it clean. For one, you’re not looking well, which doesn’t encourage people to vote for you. Please disregard that; that was not substantive.
While your campaign has gone negative, in the light of the economy going badly, perhaps you need to discuss how you are going to change things. We need to cooperate on this, because I cannot think of areas where you want to deviate from the current Administration.
Wait! I know, we can talk about how you’re a maverick! Shoot, you’re right; Governor Palin already beat that one to death. Okay, let’s go back to the Economy, you are going to disproportionately cut taxes for those making less that $250,000 a year! Oh, that’s right; you’re not going to do that. I am mixing you up with your opponent.
What is it then you’re going to do? BINGO! Your plan is now to get rid of health insurance for everyone who receives it through their work! Senator, I don’t think that’s a winner. Why are you doing that?
Wait! Competition and Deregulation? Wasn’t that the justification for eliminating regulation around banks and the financial industry? Doesn’t that open up the door for more sick people being poorly covered by some sort of “discount” health plan? That too is pretty nasty.
Let’s backup a step and recap. Right now, you are continuing the same economic and foreign policy components as the Bush Administration. In doing that, you are going to reduce controls over healthcare? No wonder you’re so far behind in the polls. Yikes.
It’s a good thing you have that Governor from Alaska. She really knows her stuff, right?
Hey Matt…
Your blog is become a-must-visit-blog for me lately!! I like reading it and your writing is deep and yet entertaining :)
I am flattered to be sure. If only I knew who you were. :) I'm fascinated :)
Gee! My name didn't show up... I'm Martha. (ex)Vanco. Finance. Ring a bell?
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