11 January, 2008

USA Today, Wow – Garbage Shouldn’t Be Delivered so Easily & Soldier Boy - Matt’s Pop Deficits

Rather than type an open letter to USA Today, I’ll simply cite the front page headline this morning, taking up seventy-five percent of the front page: 'American Idol' tries to get its groove back in upcoming seventh season.

All this, in the midst of a war in Iraq and a Presidential Election! Rather than rant and rave on this, I think it all speaks for it self. One just has to question the journalistic integrity of the editors of the newspaper. Beyond that, this is a garbage newspaper, for which hardly anyone subscribes. It is a rag paper in hotels throughout the US. I am just thankful for the Internet, faced with new options like that.

Of course, I could go on a rant about CNN’s morning news show talking about “Soldier Boy,” a pop dance sensation from a teenager in Atlanta. Here is a confession: I had never before seen it done. I haven’t had a lot of opportunity to watch a lot of Football; clearly, this is all the rage amongst coaches and players.

I turn thirty this year. Am I getting old? Clearly, I go on a tear about USA Today’s cover dealing with American Idol, and I don’t know a thing about “Soldier Boy”. Methinks this nearly relegates me to Ward Cleaver status. It’s not as though I feel I am missing something important, or I want to be more attuned to things like this. However, I have found “better” things to do than keep up with things of this sort, which makes me think I have grown “old”. Well, what can I say? My diet is better; I am fitter than ten years past; I sleep better, and I am more fiscally mindful. I'll take it.


rebecks said...

Oh, come now, Matty. No knowledge of the "soldier boy?" You truly are becoming an old man. Don't you know? This stuff is crucial to the development of an improved human race. (intense sarcasm should be noted).

A TV was playing in the background yesterday AM in women's locker room. (This is as exciting as this story gets). I found myself listening to Matt Lauer interview Joe Blow, J.D., regarding Britney Spears' options to regain custody of her children. I don't know...I would hope that a week of detoxification would not be QUITE sufficient to wipe away a fairly secure trend toward suboptimal parenting. But that aside, one could argue that the bigger problem is that Britney Spears was receiving media coverage at all. (Aren't most of us growing tired of this?!)

Finally, well-done on the phone etiquette entry...although I do so love to hear about others getting "ripped."


Anonymous said...

At the recent Bears/Giants game, they had every mascot from the Chicagoland area (about 15 or so) doing the soldier boy dance all together in the end zone. It was a riot!