It’s been so long since I’ve posted anything, I am reticent to believe anyone will necessarily see this. Of course, as you see my writing, you guessed it, I am writing about Geraldine Ferraro’s comments concerning Obama. While it would be nice to believe this is the voice and work of a blue-collar former VP candidate, I cannot help but believe that there isn’t a smidge of top-down work from Clinton’s campaign.
The Clinton’s, in the past, have proven that they are no-hold-barred about conducting a campaign, and methinks that Ferraro’s comments are a diversionary tactic to keep the populace focused on everything aside from another Obama Victory. I’ve heard the media discuss it, and I can’t help but take up the media phrase of late, “Hillary Clinton’s Scorched Earth Policy.”
What Hillary, Bill, and all there surrogates need to understand is that McCain is the only one that benefits from this. Personally, I like McCain a bit, but I am opposed to another Republican Administration. After eight years of Bush, I cannot help but think that the economy and foreign policy need substantial cleaning up. Right now, McCain is not saying anything different than the Bush Administration about taxes or Iraq.
I am always thinking about why I don’t like Hillary, and I am quite sure it is not due to gender. Rather, I think it is due to the perceived right to being President, and the unflinching work she is doing to win it. In the process, she is only ensuring McCain and the GOP’s strength in November. Sure, she can continue to run; however, running with this surreptitious noise that we are getting from Bill in South Carolina with his comments, Geraldine’s yesterday and today, Bill Shaheen (in New Hampshire), Bob Johnson (BET Founder), et al…
I apologize, but I cannot help but think the route that Clinton’s campaign is taking with Obama’s is intentional and managed from the top-down. For that reason, her sneaky behavior, she will not get my vote. If she is the nominee, that being unlikely, she will not get my vote. In the meantime, if she continues to work on behalf of McCain, the Clinton’s have done nothing but turn me away from them.
Illinois State Beach Bike Ride
5 years ago
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