20 February, 2008

Entitlement and Continued Hanging Around

Senator Clinton,

Clearly, you are well behind Senator Obama. Aside from that, can you see all the momentum he has? You are now holding out for Texas, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, all of which are to be your firewall in preventing Senator Obama from obtaining the nomination. Why is it that you continue on in this?
Wait, that’s right; you told us in New Hampshire, expressing the softer side of Hillary. Is it that softer side that says things like, “here comes the fun part,” in reference to getting into dirty negative politicking? Is this the same person that had multiple campaign representatives’ fire off slandering things, for which they apologized along with resigning?
Mrs. Clinton, those actions, those of your subordinates or husband, they don’t pass the giggle test. Those that speak publicly know they are doing so as your representatives, and for me, that just means they were sacrificed as pawns in a greater political setting. Those politics are so Clintonian, and we have been there done that. It hearkens back to “Primary Colors.”
Ultimately, my challenge is that your politics are no better or different than that of Obama, but there is a difference. For one, I cannot listen to you speak, argue or debate. By no means is it your gender, rather it is this veiled dimension of superiority in a self-perceived belief in you “having done so much.” Quite simply, you haven’t done enough to warrant that arrogance.
On another hand, I must admit, I am not fond of the idea of having more “Rush is Right” blather on the airwaves. Let’s face it; you are the kind of person people can get behind disliking. People don’t dislike you because of your politics, so much as they disdain you for the aforementioned reasons I provided.
Hillary, Obama was paying you a courtesy, when he said, “You are likeable enough.” Fact of the matter is, I cannot think of any friends of yours that are not sycophants, whom do not have something tied to your husband’s politics, or don’t have something tied to the belief that you are the favorite cum winner.
Ultimately, if you are the nominee due to Super-Delegates over primary votes, I will not ever again vote Democrat. It’s just that simple. Do us all a favor, and resign this campaign. The idea of you as President is distasteful, almost as distasteful as another Bush term.


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