Obviously, one could spend forever writing this, but that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense for your or my time. Congress – loan them the money for which they are asking, but put them under receivership. In short, now is the time Congress to ensure that the Big Three all live up to real CAFÉ standards.
It’s quite simple, mandate greater fuel efficiency standards that match the most efficient cars in the world, those coming out of Japan. Ensure the Big Three, if they don’t already have the technology, knocks off the designs via reverse-engineering these foreign automobiles. In addition, ensure that idle assembly plants partner with someone making alternative energy products, e.g. Wind Turbines or Solar Panels.
In all of these instances, we have an experienced labor force, well trained about the construction of automobiles. We have plants and assembly lines well tooled and equipment for two of the three above products. Lastly, for the one errant out-of-the box component, there could be retraining and retooling, or there could be the usage of the infrastructure to package and distribute, cutting the costs right out of the production.
Detroit’s issues for the past thirty years have been the result of bad management. It’s not as though the labor force is lesser than elsewhere in the world. Detroit, in both design and materials, has gone for cheap, shoddy quality and inefficiency in favor of faddish wants of car buyers at a given moment. Off the top of my head, I cannot think of one car designed by a Detroit automaker that makes me think twice about heading to the dealers.
In short, Congress has kowtowed to Detroit on emissions for far too long. They did so when Detroit, between the UAW and the Big Three execs, leveraged its weight on both sides of the political spectrum. Now is the time to make them change, while they are down; keep people employed, and keep millions with health insurance until a decent health plan comes about for our country’s people.